Have you ever reached a point in your business opportunity where you feel like quitting?
It's the feeling of failure of working hard but not getting the results you were hoping.
I know those exact feelings and sympathize with you!
Actually, I don't sympathize with you at all because you're not a baby or a toddler. You're a business owner. If you want sympathy go to your mother and ask her for sympathy.
If you are going to quit then stop reading this right now because this isn't for you. Otherwise keep reading.
Every business has a starting point, a tipping point and a success point. If you are new to your home business then it is at the starting point. What is the first thing you should do?
You have a profession other than a home based business, right? No matter
what type of business you start, you have to be trained. Let's say you start working
at McDonald's tomorrow, to work on the grill. Don't laugh they have great benefits! Now, even though you know how to grill a nice juicy steak at home McDonald's is not going to let you grill a hamburger on their grill until you know how the product is cooked. This is no different with a home based business. You can't just jump into a home based business and expect it to build on it's own without knowing how it works first.
Conference meetings in a hotel are not training! I don't care what they say, I have never been to a meeting where they actually teach you how to build a business. Most meeting are used to prospect or to get other people to join. This is fine and dandy but it will not train you to market yourself or teach you how to train your network. Your team leader probably just joined so he/she may not be of any use to train you so you'll have to find your own training method or system.
Find a well developed training system that will give you the training you need to
be successful. Learn from the experts, there are many out on the net. Do some research to find the right one for you. Once you find the training system learn as much as you can and start implementing it into your business. Be consistent! The more consistent you are the faster you will reach the tipping point.
What is the tipping point?
It is the point at which your home base business reaches a momentum where success becomes unstoppable. Most home business owners quit before ever reaching the tipping point. According to Wikipedia, Tipping points are "the levels at which the momentum for change becomes unstoppable". If and/or when you reach this point you will not see the end of your success because it will continue forever. Then and only then will you reach true residual income.